Sofiri – IQAP – Peer to Peer Student Recruitment and Admissions Platform

IQAP will pre-qualify

Instant Qualified Applicant Platform (IQAP)

Peer-to-Peer student recruitment and admissions platform connecting prospective students to advisors.

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genuine prospective students

IQAP es integral

Gestiona el viaje; desde la consulta de las posibles instituciones hasta la inscripción de los estudiantes, no solo la participación de los estudiantes.

automate their instant messaging communications

IQAP will pre-qualify

IQAP permite a los proveedores y agentes educativos automatizar sus comunicaciones de mensajería instantánea y gestionar de forma profesional miles de consultas.

IQAP precalificará estas consultas para que se asignen a los canales e expertos correctos. Esto significa que los asesores trabajan con posibles estudiantes genuinos mejorando su productividad y mejorando la oportunidad de convertir las consultas en inscripciones.

IQAP facilita las solicitudes de los estudiantes al proporcionar orientación adecuada para cargar la documentación correcta para cada curso y una guía sobre cómo escribir su Declaración de propósito.

Experiencia de estudiantes aspirantes de principio a fin

El viaje digital de los estudiantes aspirantes

Obtén más información sobre cómo IQAP y el futuro viaje como estudiante se combinan.
Marketing Digital

Generar demanda


How do students become aware of study options for the first time? The role of marketing communications at this stage is vital; this is "push and pull" at its best; students are reached directly using paid marketing or are attracted by referees, influencers or organically.
Marketing Digital

Generar demanda

Qualifying Bot

AI Powered

Expression of interest

At this stage, students want more information, the more information the student provides, the best it will be the answer. IQAP will qualify prospective student using bots in various langiages, servicing students 24/7 and using Natural Language Processing to then connect with the relevant counsellor.
Geography 2
Qualifying Bot

AI Powered


Recruitment via web or app


En esta etapa crítica, una conexión entre pares entre un estudiante y una persona relevante, por ejemplo, un consejero, un miembro del personal o incluso un embajador estudiantil, es lo que marca la diferencia y altera el futuro viaje del estudiante.
Geography 3

Recruitment via web or app

CRM Capabilities

Integrate with your CRM


Following student's counselling, communication and clarity about their study options, managing the student information along with providing quality information about the intended course or provider via quotes is part of a proper CRM execution.
Geography 4
CRM Capabilities

Integrate with your CRM


Recruit quality students


This is the climax in a journey that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. At this point, online applications are a must, long gone are the days of paper or PDF applications; the future of this stage is about machine learning and document verification.
Geography 5

Recruit quality students

Issue Offers

Automate conditional offers


At this stage, students want more information, the more information the student provides, the best it will be the answer. IQAP will qualify prospective student using bots in various langiages, servicing students 24/7 and using Natural Language Processing to then connect with the relevant counsellor.
Geography 6
Issue Offers

Automate conditional offers


Connect students with student ambassadors or academic


It is very reasonable for students to hold in their hands more than one letter of offer, the average is three, and as application systems become more comfortable and faster to use, that number will increase. Leverage the power of peer-to-peer recruitment to convert student with offers from your own branded app.
Geography 7

Connect students with student ambassadors or academic

End-to-End Trackingt

Funnel visualisation


This is the last stage of the aspiring student journey, and the beginning of one of the best experiences students will ever have. Many areas to consider, from accommodation to transportation. Track real outcome results using IQAP.
Geography 8
End-to-End Trackingt

Funnel visualisation

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